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Increase fulness in cheeks & lips!
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Teacher Training
Lower face workout for Advanced. Lower cheeks, jowls, jawline, chin, lips, and smile lines. Restore volume and improve plumpness and youthfulness of the lower face.…
In Conversation With: FY Teacher Trainer Sibel Adekunle
With the new Face Core Method L2 FYTT program just released it is a great moment in time to introduce some of our existing FYTT…
Why You Should Be Pinching, Pulling, and Stretching The Skin
There is an ongoing discussion in the beauty industry and skin circles about ‘to pinch or not to pinch’ the skin. It is a fascinating…
Stiff Neck? Do These 5 Exercises to Tone Your Neck and Jawline
Your neck is the beautiful bridge between your face and your body. But with today’s sedentary lifestyle and long hours in front of computers and phone screens,…
Healing The Face From Trauma with Face Yoga
“As I often tell my students, the two most important phrases in therapy, as in yoga, are “Notice that” and “What happens next?” Once you…
The Glow Light Breakfast Bowl
As the days become warmer and summer approaches I can feel my diet shifting and cravings moving towards lighter foods that are still highly nutritious and beautifying. …